R.S.: 06/2021/03519     Col.: 31/263

R.S.: 06/2021/03519     Col.: 31/263

“Disfrutar el Mar”: The magic continues

Disfrutar el Mar' has been enriching lives since 2010. Learn how this initiative uses the sea and sports to help children with diverse needs develop skills, build community, and harness the healing power of water. Dive into our journey of creating magic and growth through ocean activities

When I hear the sentence: “the magic of Disfrutar el Mar  (DEM) has come up,” I can’t help but smile. I feel calm and know that everything is flowing.

Disfrutar el Mar is a non-profit association that we founded in 2010.

How it all began

Initially, we started a pilot project with three children with autism spectrum conditions of different ages and needs.

The sea and the beach have always seemed to me spaces full of possibilities to enrich children’s development, even to use them therapeutically. At the same time, I realized there was a limited offer of recreational and sports activities for children with developmental challenges. From there, the idea of creating this project emerged, which not only has the potential to foster development but also enables participation in the community through sport and fun. We named it “Disfrutar el Mar: Enjoying the Sea” and, to this day, I still think it perfectly expresses what it represents.

In the months leading up to the start of classes, we can’t stop thinking about what each member of DEM needs to feel safe and enjoy themselves. Each year, new reflections, impressions, and ideas emerge on how to modify, adapt, and make everything flow smoothly.

The role of training in Disfrutar el Mar

Team training sessions play a fundamental role in this process and are never the same from one year to the next, as we incorporate modifications and contributions from collaborators.

I love preparing the training sessions. Sometimes, it’s challenging to choose which direction to focus them, as needs vary; nevertheless, they always flow smoothly. One of the reasons is the solid foundation of values and philosophy that DEM has, upon which everything is based and from which we never deviate.

This year, we placed special emphasis on the role of the surf supervisor. We conducted a workshop for coordinators and surf supervisors, where we experientially gathered each person’s perception to evaluate “where we are now and where we want to go.”

I’m fascinated by collaborating with such a committed and dedicated team to continue this path of common growth. No year is the same as the previous one, not only because the monitors and participants change, but also because we learn something new each year for the next.

To be able to conduct the classes safely, taking into account the needs of each individual and ensuring they can enjoy in their own way, we have created a framework that allows for this, leaving a flexible space where each group creates its own flow.

When someone first said that what emerges in DEM is like “magic,” that expression stuck. It seems to me the most beautiful way to express what each individual and the team as a whole experience during these four days.

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